
Blog Design: $200*

2 or 3 columns
custom header
custom navigation bar
custom sidebar titles
custom social icons
5 custom event buttons
custom signature
custom grab button
custom rating system
Twitter header
Facebook header
Twitter profile pic
Facebook profile pic

Standalone Elements

Signature: $10
Rating System: $10
Social Buttons: $15
Button: $20
Twitter header: $10
Facebook header: $10
Twitter profile pic: $5
Facebook profile pic: $5
Blogger or Wordpress Header: $30

*must have a blog. if you want a wordpress design. If you aren't sure what you have please check the FAQ page.

Monthly Maintenance Subscription: $5/mo

The monthly maintenance subscription is an optional service that guarantees you to have 24/7 access to me via email regarding any kind of problems that you may have allowing me to fix it for you after your design has been completed.